Robin Zwahlen of Washington County is improving not only her own health but the health of her entire family. Incorporating dietary changes and exercise in her family’s lifestyle has benefitted them all.
Robin’s thoughts are focused on her kids. She wants them to be healthy and feel energetic when they’re at school. To ensure they don’t have a drop in energy before lunch time, Robin makes conscious, healthier choices when preparing their breakfasts. Making healthy substitutions with other meals has also helped, such as the use of olive oil instead of vegetable oil, crackers with cheese instead of chips, and fruit instead of candy.
Robin is finding that her energy levels are higher than they used to be as well. She is drinking more water in place of soda and is feeling the difference. She’s also eating more fruits and vegetables. These changes have given Robin the strength needed to set up the nursery for her new baby. She’s excited by her new lifestyle and not even dreading having to be awake with the new baby!
The changes Robin’s family has made since joining The Apple Program® have not only enhanced their health but also their bank account. “We ate out so much; we didn’t even realize how much it was costing us. Now we prepare dinners with the help and input of our kids.”
Robin said, “If it wasn’t for The Apple Program® we wouldn’t have begun making these changes. With the motivation of a helpful coach, my husband and I decided to buckle down and make this a family effort. We now go on family bike rides, walks, or swims.” If you want more energy, Robin suggests, “Take a second look at your menu and see where you can improvise and substitute.” Make it a family effort and you can succeed!