Joel Fitzgerald with Ken Garff

Joel Fitzgerald, with Ken Garff, attributes his great success to working with both his Apple Health Coach® and his physician. Through developing healthy habits, Joel has lost over 60 pounds and his other biometrics have improved significantly!

Joel has made small changes in both his exercise and nutrition to produce big results. Joel set an initial goal to exercise 30 minutes each day. He has now improved to a point that he is working out for an hour every day.

Joel had developed the habit of drinking two to three sodas per day. Working with his coach he set a goal to limit himself to one soda per week which is has not only achieved but now rarely ever drinks soda at all. Additionally Joel only eats whole fruit, has increased his intake of whole grains and nuts and is drinking 80 ounces of water per day. Don’t be surprised to find Joel’s plate half full of vegetables at meal time!

The importance of addressing his health risks was particularly important to Joel who has been dealing with diabetes. Joel recalls that at one point he got really sick and his A1Cs were very high. With the assistance of The Apple Program and his coach, Joel has built a health plan and established goals that have resulted in a 60 pound weight loss! But more importantly that has enabled him to successfully manage his Diabetes. Since the health assessment Joel has dropped his blood sugar by over 100 points and has greatly improved his A1Cs.

“When you are faced with something like that you have to do something. It’s important to keep a healthy lifestyle through diet and exercise and you can see how things can go awry if you don’t.”

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