Josh Rees with Associated Retail Stores

Josh Rees, with ARS, has made great strides with his health since he joined The Apple Program®. He admits that the financial incentive was the reason he started the program but once he got involved it wasn’t about the money anymore.

Josh attributes much of his success to the support he received from his Apple Health Coach®. “I realized that if she cares this much about me, then I should care this much about me. Because she wants success for me, I want success for myself.” His coach would follow up with personalized emails in regards to what they talked about over the phone. Josh says that it was a feel- good situation and having someone there to motivate and encourage him was helpful.
Within four short months of beginning the program, Josh chose to become tobacco free. Josh hated telling his coach that he chewed and was motivated along with the caring support of his coach to let go of the habit and quit cold turkey. His coach gave him helpful ideas such as chewing gum and putting it in his lip like he used to do with the tobacco. With this tip eventually he weaned himself off of tobacco and the desire to chew it became non-existent. It wasn’t an easy process, as Josh shares, “It didn’t happen overnight, and it was really hard.” But being able to tell his coach he was tobacco free was extremely liberating. Without the presence of tobacco not only is Josh experiencing better health overall but his dentist agrees that the health of his mouth has greatly improved. And as you can tell, Josh is no longer afraid to show off his wonderful smile.

“There have been so many benefits from quitting. I used to get acid reflux and don’t anymore. I don’t have to worry about smiling and having stuff in my teeth or smelling like chew. Everything tastes better too!”

Josh’s blood pressure has improved since he quit tobacco and says that he doesn’t worry about getting cancer now.

“Don’t sabotage yourself for falling short. Just because you messed up keep working at it. If you have the determination and desire to change your health you can make it happen. It doesn’t happen overnight and it is hard, but it is worth it!”

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