Han Butler with Stores Online

Han Butler with Stores Online has seen great results since joining The Apple Program®. In the past three months,Han has lost over 36 pounds!

Han believes that he is "one bad apple" because he now eats a lot of whole and organic foods – especially fruits and vegetables. Over 70% of his food intake now comes from raw foods. "I started out with a goal to eat two servings of fruits and vegetables and now I don't even need to count. I can eat as much as I want because they are so low in calories." Han also believes he can attribute his success to the fact that he has removed caffeine and carbonation from his diet. "I feel healthier and can feel a difference especially when I am playing basketball. I feel much more energy than before and I can perform better in athletics more than I have been able to in a long time."

"My Apple Health Coach® has been awesome with me as she is really encouraging. She was able to help me find goals that were in my comfort zone. She has helped me get back into cardio and resistance training. Whereas before I was mainly doing more cardio, I am now doing training three times per week which is helping me lose weight. My coach keeps me accountable and because she is outside of my everyday circle, she really helps me stay on top of it. My coach rocks! Tracking and seeing the charts online have really motivated me to work harder too. Thanks Apple!"

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