Adam Anderson with Sandy City

Adam Anderson, with Sandy City, has greatly improved his health through weight loss since joining The Apple Program®. He attributes his success in the program to having specific goals tailored to his own needs that he designed with the assistance of his Apple Health Coach®.

He began his lifestyle changes by tracking his daily food intake and setting exercise goals. His coach realized Adam needed more fiber in his diet, so he began focusing on eating more fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains, like oatmeal. With the combination of these dietary changes and exercising three times a week for at least 20 minutes, Adam was able to achieve to a healthy weight.

Through his participation in The Apple Program Adam has realized the power in setting achievable goals. As each goal is reached Adam has learned how to push himself to the next step. He’s grateful he’s made these lifestyle changes because now that he’s achieved a healthy weight he realizes that he is preventing many health problems down the road,

Adam encourages others to do the same. “Find goals that will work for you and do what you need to in order to achieve them.” Adam looks forward to continuing his success and improving his cholesterol levels with the new goals he’s set.

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