Libby Murphy with Taylor Electric

Libby Murphy is quite the super mom. She is 7 months pregnant with her 4th child and she happens to be at a healthier weight now than before she was pregnant! Libby is a healthier pregnant woman as a result of new habits she has established such as eating two healthy snacks a day including at least 4 servings of fruits and vegetables. With all these healthy changes, Libby feels she has more energy and is more productive around her home.

She still finds the time to take her kids camping and continues to take care of their health and her own. Being pregnant has helped her to understand that she needs to eat healthier for the sake of her own health, and also for the example she sets for her family.

Libby attributes her success to the many aspects of The Apple Program®. Her personal Apple Health Coach® has given her many ideas of small but significant changes she can make in her life. Libby decided one of her goals was to try and limit her intake of soda drinks due to their high sugar content. Additionally, her coach has provided a way for her to be accountable in keeping the goals she is setting for herself. Libby says that her coach encourages her to keep going. With that support Libby has been walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes a day and doing arm and leg strengthening exercises for 15 minutes, 4-5 days of the week.

Through the program Libby has also realized the importance of taking time for herself. Being able to track her progress online and regular reporting to her coach have both been good motivators to reach this goal along with others.

She beautifully stated that “In order to help my family, I needed to do better for them…” Well with efforts and support in the program she has and now the effects are trickling down. She has started giving her family healthier food choices.

An added bonus for Libby has been that her husband and she have created a special bond since they have both enrolled in The Apple Program. She told us that they are a better team now and since she makes his lunches, she knows exactly what he should and should not be eating! ”We keep tabs on each other!”

In a nutshell, Libby understands that in order to enjoy the benefits of good health, it’s a lifestyle change she has to make. She shared with us that “My goal is to try and do as much as I can and stay in a routine throughout my pregnancy so that it will not be as hard to do it after the baby gets here.”

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