Donny Atuaia with Heritage Schools

Donny Atuaia, with Heritage Schools, became the Biggest Loser while working with The Apple Program™.

In an effort to help people successfully realize their New Year’s weight loss resolutions, Heritage Schools ran a quarterly competition, which fittingly for the month of January was The Biggest Loser Competition. Donny participated in the competition which ran from January 1 to March 31. Donny set goals with his Apple Health Coach™ which helped get him back on track. He said that the exercise goal of going to the gym played a major role in helping him to lose the weight. He also said that he intensified his training and watched what he ate. To satisfy the sweet tooth, Donny found other substitute foods for his treats. He has been eating fruits as sweet substitutes and it has made a big difference. In addition to Donny’s goals, he said that the tips of the month his Apple Health Coach™ sent him really helped.

Donny’s weight loss did not end once he became the winner of the Biggest Loser competition. From January to now he has lost nearly 50 pounds! Donny’s favorite quote from Henry Ford that his wife always reminds him about is “If you think you can or can not you are right.” Donny approached this with a “think you can” attitude and has accomplished something great. As Donny would say, “I am the Biggest Loser.”

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