Howard & Marianne Petersen with Utah County

As a couple, Howard and Marianne Petersen have had great success working with The Apple Program™.

In the past two years of working with Apple Health Coaches, Howard and Marianne combined have lost over 40 pounds! Each of them has their individual successes that support their common goal of being healthy and active so that they can enjoy their family.

Howard said that one of his greatest successes is having a new found awareness of what he is eating. He said that he had to buy new pants and a new suit after working hard at his goals and losing over 30 pounds. He also appreciates the accountability. “The accountability is one of the best parts because I know that I have to report at the end of the week.” Howard will be the first to admit that he started doing the program for the money. Because he and his wife participate in the program they pay lower monthly premiums. Although the financial incentive lured him in at first, he has continued participating because he feels a lot better now than when he started the program.
Here is what Howard has to say, “The biggest success I would think would be stopping to think about what I eat and knowing that exercise is something I will have to do for the rest of my life. I have lost some weight, but more important than a diet, this is a lifestyle program.”

Marianne has also had success working with The Apple Program™. Marianne has lost over ten pounds and has seen significant changes in her blood work. She said that it is discouraging to have to realize that you actually have to do something. “We have to break those habits and it is taking effort and work. Knowing that my coach will be there and that I have to be accountable helps me to keep going and not give up. We have seen what life can do if you don’t make good choices, so we are trying to make good ones. We want to be healthy and active into our later years.”

Howard and Marianne put it best, “We enjoy improving our lifestyles so that we can have a happy future with our children and grandchildren.”

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