For Paul and Susan Stoddard, it was the small changes that made the biggest difference. These Apple Program
® participants from Hogan Construction have implemented small changes into their lives, and have seen many beneficial improvements in their health consequently.
In the past, neither Paul nor Susan had been too successful with their health goals. Susan had quit drinking soda on her own, but neither had had the desire to make big lifestyle changes. Once they started with the Apple Program, they were excited to see how the program could help them. Susan said, “Just like everyone else, the years go by; you are working taking care of the house, yard and whatever else comes along, and I, for one, forgot about taking care of me.”
With the encouraging help from their Apple Health Coach
®, this couple noticed where they could make improvements in their food and exercise habits. Susan decided that she would try and avoid buying snacks while she was at work, so she began taking a yogurt, an apple, and a banana to work every day. Paul increased his fruits and vegetables slowly, by snacking on them throughout the day. He is now eating 5 fruits and vegetables a day, and has formed a habit.
Susan found that even when trying to make small changes, it was important to pick and choose goals that would be doable at the time. After working full days on her feet, Susan found that she was very tired and had a hard time exercising. She, with the help of her Apple Health Coach, brainstormed and decided that she would buy a stationary bike. It was something simple to help her continue to exercise, even after a long day at work.
Paul and Susan have had great success. Paul lowered his cholesterol and lost 25 pounds, and Susan lost 10 pounds and maintained the loss. Paul broke both of his feet a while ago, but the changes that he made while participating in The Apple Program helped him to lose the weight that he needed. Susan said that their successes happened very quickly after making the small changes, due to the changes being sustainable, manageable, and simple. She said that the changes also didn’t make them feel deprived. The Stoddards found that recognizing their success each day, even in their small goals, gave them the spark they needed to continue pushing forward with their goals.
“Sometimes you can be too logical—small changes make a difference.”