Shane Farr with Stores Online

Shane Farr, from Stores Online, knows that The Apple Program™ is much more than a diet…it is a lifestyle. Shane has had great success the past two years working with a coach and implementing lifestyle changes one at a time.

Like many, Shane admits that at first participating in this program was a great way to get a discount on his insurance costs. When Shane found out that he needed to work on lowering his blood pressure, cholesterol and BMI he got to work. He started with changing his eating habits by adding more fruits and vegetables, fiber, and water into his diet. By the end of year one, Shane lost ten pounds and dropped his BMI by three points! He also dropped his cholesterol ratio 2.9 points, putting it in a healthy range.

Shane has continued making healthy lifestyle changes this year. He has increased his exercise regimen and is eating a bigger and better breakfast. He says it is like a night and day difference. He feels that his concentration level is off the charts and he is able to focus better.

In addition to his biometric successes, Shane feels The Apple Program has been a great learning resource. He thoroughly enjoys having a coach, going to the brown bag luncheons, and receiving the health tips. His coach corresponds through email and phone giving him words of wisdom. He said this has been a great learning experience. Shane not only incorporates the things he learns from The Apple Program into his own life, but he enthusiastically passes the tips of the month along to all of his family members. He spreads the word through mass email messages whenever he gets some great tips.

“It will be sad when I meet the standard. I contact my coach every two weeks and the accountability really helps. My coach reminds me to be consistent. It is good to have someone to check in with and knowing that your goals are adjustable makes all the difference. When I think about having seconds at dinner I will think of my coach and do not do it. Every time I make the right decision it gets easier and easier each time.”

1 comment:

Brian said...

Shane looks a lot healthier this year. It's no wonder why he performs so well at work!