Marlene Bemis, with Equitable Life & Casualty, has experienced success in a number of areas of her health by making minor adjustments to her diet and exercise. She makes sure she gets at least one whole grain and five fruits and vegetables a day. Exercise had been difficult due to arthritis but her Apple Health Coach
TM helped her come up with creative stretches and exercises that enabled her to work around that. As a result, Marlene has lost over 10 pounds and has cut her total cholesterol in half!
It's been a lot of hard work and success hasn't necessarily been easy but it has definitely been worth it.
“Working with my Apple Health Coach
TM was a really fun and helpful experience. When I had some tough health situations, she always had new ideas of things that I could try. I enjoyed every single one of our sessions!”
Marlene has taken her health to a whole new level. Marlene’s hard work and dedication to her goals has resulted in more exercise and hence, more weight loss. The increased weight loss has helped Marlene to have less arthritic problems, better breathing and lung capacity, and improved joint functionality. You can now find Marlene at the park playing football with her grandkids. She related a story that teaches all of us a lesson. One day when at the park with her grandkids, two 14 year old Tongan boys recruited everyone at the park – including Marlene to play a football game. Marlene said that she “actually threw the ball”. Not only did she think it was precious that these teenagers included her and her grandkids, but she was thankful that she felt so good and was able to keep up with and play with her grandkids. Marlene said that in the past after having done something like that, her joints would be sore and swollen the days following the activity, but this time she felt great.