Dustin Nichols with Inthinc

Dustin Nichols with Inthinc has had great success since starting The Apple Program™. In April, Dustin decided to make little changes that produce big results. In the past five months, Dustin has lost 20 pounds!

Dustin attributes his 20 pounds of weight loss to eating breakfast every morning. When Dustin first started the program, he and his coach discussed the importance of eating breakfast and the role it plays in jump starting metabolism and helping with weight loss. Since then, he has hardly missed a day. Dustin’s favorite breakfast of choice is his own homemade fruit smoothie. In this way, Dustin is able to meet his breakfast goal and get in his daily 2-3 servings of fruits as recommended by the 5 a Day National Challenge of fruits and vegetable servings. In addition to his breakfast goal, Dustin is working out doing both cardio and resistance training at least once each week.

Keep up the great work Dustin!

Donny Atuaia with Heritage Schools

Donny Atuaia, with Heritage Schools, became the Biggest Loser while working with The Apple Program™.

In an effort to help people successfully realize their New Year’s weight loss resolutions, Heritage Schools ran a quarterly competition, which fittingly for the month of January was The Biggest Loser Competition. Donny participated in the competition which ran from January 1 to March 31. Donny set goals with his Apple Health Coach™ which helped get him back on track. He said that the exercise goal of going to the gym played a major role in helping him to lose the weight. He also said that he intensified his training and watched what he ate. To satisfy the sweet tooth, Donny found other substitute foods for his treats. He has been eating fruits as sweet substitutes and it has made a big difference. In addition to Donny’s goals, he said that the tips of the month his Apple Health Coach™ sent him really helped.

Donny’s weight loss did not end once he became the winner of the Biggest Loser competition. From January to now he has lost nearly 50 pounds! Donny’s favorite quote from Henry Ford that his wife always reminds him about is “If you think you can or can not you are right.” Donny approached this with a “think you can” attitude and has accomplished something great. As Donny would say, “I am the Biggest Loser.”

Howard & Marianne Petersen with Utah County

As a couple, Howard and Marianne Petersen have had great success working with The Apple Program™.

In the past two years of working with Apple Health Coaches, Howard and Marianne combined have lost over 40 pounds! Each of them has their individual successes that support their common goal of being healthy and active so that they can enjoy their family.

Howard said that one of his greatest successes is having a new found awareness of what he is eating. He said that he had to buy new pants and a new suit after working hard at his goals and losing over 30 pounds. He also appreciates the accountability. “The accountability is one of the best parts because I know that I have to report at the end of the week.” Howard will be the first to admit that he started doing the program for the money. Because he and his wife participate in the program they pay lower monthly premiums. Although the financial incentive lured him in at first, he has continued participating because he feels a lot better now than when he started the program.
Here is what Howard has to say, “The biggest success I would think would be stopping to think about what I eat and knowing that exercise is something I will have to do for the rest of my life. I have lost some weight, but more important than a diet, this is a lifestyle program.”

Marianne has also had success working with The Apple Program™. Marianne has lost over ten pounds and has seen significant changes in her blood work. She said that it is discouraging to have to realize that you actually have to do something. “We have to break those habits and it is taking effort and work. Knowing that my coach will be there and that I have to be accountable helps me to keep going and not give up. We have seen what life can do if you don’t make good choices, so we are trying to make good ones. We want to be healthy and active into our later years.”

Howard and Marianne put it best, “We enjoy improving our lifestyles so that we can have a happy future with our children and grandchildren.”

Kevin Maddock with Rhodes Bake-N-Serve

Kevin Maddock with Rhodes Bake-N-Serve has worked hard and is experiencing great success working with his Apple Health Coach™.

Kevin was challenged to train for the Bike fundraiser for the State Chapter of Multiple Sclerosis. He said that he thought about it for a few weeks before deciding to go for it.

Kevin successfully biked a total of 122 miles over the course of two days of riding! Kevin never thought he could do something like that. The Apple Program™ helped him to set small step goals that led to the point where he was riding his bike three to four times per week. Now biking is not something that he feels required to do, but something that he truly wants to do.

“It is actually kind of fun to do this cycling thing and to push myself a little bit.” .

Kevin’s training and increased exercise through his new found enthusiasm for biking have created measurable results. In the course of 18 months Kevin has lost 40 pounds and no longer needs to take blood pressure medications. After having taken blood pressure medications for over ten years, Kevin is very pleased with his progress.

“Eighteen months of encouragement from a coach at The Apple Program™ was instrumental in setting a goal to ride in Utah’s BikeMS cycling event. One hundred and twenty two miles over two days, I never would have done this without my coach’s weekly encouragement either through email or by telephone. An added bonus from this is I am off blood pressure medication for the first time in over ten years. I feel healthier and more fit for the first time in years! Now when people want to ride bikes my reply is ‘Let’s go!!!’”

Kevin said that he still has a long way to go before he reaches his overall goal, but he knows that when he puts in the time and effort he will see results. Kevin said, “I know it will take some time and hard work to get there, but I am up for the challenge."

Shane Farr with Stores Online

Shane Farr, from Stores Online, knows that The Apple Program™ is much more than a diet…it is a lifestyle. Shane has had great success the past two years working with a coach and implementing lifestyle changes one at a time.

Like many, Shane admits that at first participating in this program was a great way to get a discount on his insurance costs. When Shane found out that he needed to work on lowering his blood pressure, cholesterol and BMI he got to work. He started with changing his eating habits by adding more fruits and vegetables, fiber, and water into his diet. By the end of year one, Shane lost ten pounds and dropped his BMI by three points! He also dropped his cholesterol ratio 2.9 points, putting it in a healthy range.

Shane has continued making healthy lifestyle changes this year. He has increased his exercise regimen and is eating a bigger and better breakfast. He says it is like a night and day difference. He feels that his concentration level is off the charts and he is able to focus better.

In addition to his biometric successes, Shane feels The Apple Program has been a great learning resource. He thoroughly enjoys having a coach, going to the brown bag luncheons, and receiving the health tips. His coach corresponds through email and phone giving him words of wisdom. He said this has been a great learning experience. Shane not only incorporates the things he learns from The Apple Program into his own life, but he enthusiastically passes the tips of the month along to all of his family members. He spreads the word through mass email messages whenever he gets some great tips.

“It will be sad when I meet the standard. I contact my coach every two weeks and the accountability really helps. My coach reminds me to be consistent. It is good to have someone to check in with and knowing that your goals are adjustable makes all the difference. When I think about having seconds at dinner I will think of my coach and do not do it. Every time I make the right decision it gets easier and easier each time.”

Alisha Breckenridge with Provo City

Alisha Breckenridge, with Provo City, has had great success working with her Apple Health Coach™. Alisha has been working with her personal health coach for over a year. Together they have come up with great goals and ideas that have helped Alisha to be successful. She worked with her coach to lose over 16 pounds before her pregnancy. Alisha is now in the post-pregnancy stage and is working hard to get back to her goal weight. Eight weeks after her baby was born Alisha had lost over 30 pounds. Alisha took advantage of her new lifestyle to prepare to run a 5k in October.

“My coach is more than a weight loss coach - she is a life coach.” Alisha appreciates that she can call her coach in her moment of weakness and that her coach gives her great suggestions. Alisha said, “I was craving cheesecake right after breakfast one morning and I called her when I needed her. She gave me the idea to give it to neighbors or freeze it for later. I call her a life coach because I had nothing done well with my goals and nothing was going well, so we planned out what we were going to do for the rest of the day. She helped me plan my day and week. She taught me about the three tens – basically what can I do in the next ten minutes, the next ten hours and the next ten days to improve my health. She really helps me re-group when I have a lot of stress. She gives me recipe ideas. Since I do love my sweets, she suggested using apple sauce instead of butter and wheat flour instead of white. Along with nutrition and exercise, she always encourages me to at least get some physical activity every day.”

Alisha has been successful because she has gradually made lifestyle changes. She said that one of her goals is to plan out her three meals a day and healthy snacks. Alisha always tries to go to the gym, but she also knows that as a new mom she needs to balance everything in her life and leave time to sleep and get rejuvenated. She said that she eats five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

“My coach taught me to become one with my cutting board. I have a veggie tray in my frig ready to go at all times with light or fat free ranch dressing or sometimes even peanut butter. Life is meant to be enjoyed and The Apple Program™ helps me do that.”

Vickie Silva with Equitable

Vickie Silva from Equitable has had great success working with her Apple Health Coach™. She loves her coach and has requested the same coach for the past three years. Vickie attributes her 32 pounds of weight loss, eating four servings of fruits and vegetables per day, and exercising six days per week to the support she receives from her personal health coach.

Vickie is sharing her new found passion for wellness with her loved ones and especially with her eight-year-old granddaughter. Through Vickie’s help, persistence, and example, her young granddaughter now is able to run and wants to play soccer this year. Vickie is excited that she can share the things she has learned from her health coach and inspire those people she loves most to take control of their health and enjoy all that life has to offer.

“She has been a great coach. It seems like she really cares. She doesn’t patronize me. My coach tries to call me every two to three weeks. I have been really sick since April, and she has always called me. Because she always calls me, it helps me to stick to the program that my coach helped me develop. When it comes to exercise, some things are a little harder for me to do than others because I have asthma. When I started out with my Health Rider, I could maybe do 25 repetitions, but I can do 100 now. Through my coach’s help, I ride my health rider three times per week and sometimes more. I also walk every night with my little granddaughter who has also been losing weight. The changes I’ve made in my life have been inspiring her to make changes of her own. As far as nutrition, I really try to watch what I eat. I try to eat four servings of fruits and vegetables per day now. I am taking off the weight now, and sometimes it seems so slow, but my coach helps keep me positive. She always tells me that as long as I am doing everything I said I would do, it shows that I am trying and I am maintaining not gaining. I owe it all to my coach and The Apple Program™. My coach gives me the will power to keep doing what I need to do. Because of her, I am able to transfer that motivation to help my grandchildren be healthy. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without her. She keeps me positive and she picks me back up when I get down on myself.”

Janine & Preston Ward with Cache County

Preston and Janine Ward, with Cache County, have had great success as a couple participating in The Apple Program™. Both agree that accountability to track their goals and talk to their Apple Health Coach™ were keys to their success. Knowing their coach will be in contact with them at least once a month really keeps them going. In six weeks, the couple was able to lose an aggregate of 20 pounds. Within the past six months, Janine has successfully lowered her blood glucose by over 100 points. Preston has changed his lifestyle too and now walks to work. Here is what each of them has to say about their progress.

“Before participating in The Apple Program, I was just gliding along in life. With the help of my coach, now I’m soaring. My coach gave me new ideas and successfully helped me to get my blood sugar down where it needs to be. Looking at the clock and taking my blood sugars on a schedule has really worked well for me. Also, I didn’t really like my exercise routine before, but my coach was there to prod me on. My coach encouraged me to exercise whenever I could find a window of time. Exercising more has helped me feel more content with myself and feel more confident. My coach has made such a big difference in my life. I don’t know what I would do without her.” – Janine

“I think the most important thing is the accountability and that we have to report. I think that it is embarrassing to call and have “flubbed up.” To me the embarrassment of saying that I didn’t do my goals, even though my coach was really positive all the time, I almost wanted to improve just to please her. I am doing this program for myself, but I know my coach is excited when I have success. I walk to work now and ride my bike more. It was the desire to improve that drove me to do this. One of my favorite things to do is hiking and I was motivated to improve my health so that I could hike more, but the biggest thing for me is the weight loss. I have lost 12 pounds so far in six weeks. I started to get serious and made simple choices such as drinking Slimfast for breakfast, drinking a glass of V8, and spending time working in the yard versus watching TV. I am keeping myself active. Having a coach always there to support me with my goals and progress has made all the difference.” – Preston

Peggie Winward with Associated Retail Food Stores

Peggie Winward, with Associated Retail Food Stores, has seen great success since she began working with the Apple Program™ and her Apple Health Coach™. Peggie’s efforts coupled with The Apple Program™ are helping to change company culture in her department at work. Peggie and some of her co-workers are now walking together every day for at least 15 minutes.

Peggie lost 35 pounds in the first five months of participating with The Apple Program™. She is really excited about her progress and she hopes to lose even more.

“I am feeling much better and have more energy to get things done. Talking with my coach has really helped me to watch what I eat. I now eat smaller portions, more fruits and vegetables, and I read the labels to check on the fat content. I am trying to eat higher fiber grains and drink a lot of water. This has been really great! My coach with The Apple Program™ has helped me a lot.”

Scott Chance with Tooele County

Scott Chance, with Tooele County, has had great success through working with The Apple Program™. He said that before the assessment, he had no clue about his biometric scores and health risks.

After creating a health plan with his coach, Scott has successfully lost over 50 pounds! He attributes much of his success to the tips he received from his coach encouraging him to cut calories through eliminating soda, increasing water intake, taking the “5 a Day” fruits and vegetables challenge, and decreasing his red meat consumption to no more than one serving per week. Prior to working with The Apple Program, Scott hadn’t been exercising. Scott says that you can now find him in the gym at least five days per week for over an hour.

“I know that everything I am doing right now in regards to my health will affect me years down the road, so I am doing everything I can to get where I need to be. The Apple Program gave me the motivation I needed to actually do something about my health.”

Dennis Park with Ken Garff

Dennis Park with Ken Garff has had phenomenal success since working with The Apple ProgramTM. He has made lifestyle changes in his nutrition and exercise habits that have affected not only himself, but his family as well. After 8 months of consistent hard work, Dennis lost over 40 pounds!

Dennis would be the first to admit that he had tried to lose weight in the past, but had not been successful. “The accountability made all the difference and helped me do it.” When asked if he thought that he would have been this successful if his company didn’t offer him this program Dennis said “No way! That is a no brainer.” Dennis confesses the incentive was the initial draw for him to do the program, but now that he knows how the program works he says that it “let me save some money, to let me save my life.” Once Dennis got going he said, “The incentive didn’t play a big role for me. It was all about reaching my fitness goals and the money was icing on the cake.”

Dennis agrees that the lifestyle changes he made were simple because he made them one goal at a time. Dennis started his goals with cardio and resistance training a few times per week and kept a food journal. After keeping a food journal, Dennis and his Apple Health Coach™ came up with realistic goals to improve his nutrition. Dennis started with 3 servings of fruits and vegetables and is now eating at least 5 a day. He has increased both his cardio and resistance training from when he started as well.

The most amazing part about Dennis’ success is his new found enthusiasm for health and wellness. He bought a road bike and is putting on the miles. He also has improved his mile swim time by 18 minutes! In addition to his personal achievements, Dennis has been able to share this passion with his family. His family got a family gym membership and he and his wife did their own Biggest Loser competition between themselves. Together this year they have lost over 70 pounds. Keep up the great work Dennis and family!

Wally Larrabee with Associated Foods

Wallace “Wally” Larrabee has had great success working with his Apple Health Coach™. Wally will be the first to admit that at first he wasn’t too excited about participating in The Apple Program™, but after seeing the difference it has made in his health he has changed his tune.

“My attitude has changed, the program hasn’t. I haven’t felt better in 20 years”.

With the help of his Apple Health Coach™, Wally was able to successfully lower his cholesterol by over 74 points! He said that the changes have been huge. He increased his workouts to six times per week and focused on cardio and hitting his target heart rate every workout. Through his persistence and hard work, Wally dramatically dropped his 5K and 10K times by more than two minutes. Recently, after being recommended by his coach, Wally has started incorporating more resistance training into his exercise routine and has developed much more core strength. Not only are these improvements beneficial for Wally’s health, but he has also seen great improvements in his skiing. According to Wally, “I have never skied better in my life”.

Sharlene Gygi with Harmon's Grocery

Sharlene Gygi with Harmon’s has had great success working with The Apple Program™ this past year. She believes that “this is a life change, not a weight loss program.” Sharlene has made simple life changes that have helped her to successfully get to her goal weight.

This past year Sharlene has lost almost 30 pounds and has decreased her percent body fat by over 7%! She said that her Apple Health Coach™ was a great resource for health information and was especially helpful at keeping her accountable for her goals.

Sharlene is a mother of three and knows the importance of maintaining balance. Because she set goals to increase her exercise, count her calories, and track her weight, Sharlene is feeling great and is able to play longer and harder with her kids. Her passion for health has spread to her family members and she has been able to help her husband get excited about health and wellness too. She said it is great because she no longer needs to “double shop” because they are both on the same page when it comes to nutrition. Sharlene recommends talking about the program with family, friends and colleagues who are on the program.

“When you have a supportive buddy in addition to the accountability that you have with your coach you are able to accomplish even more. What you think about, you bring about. Stay focused with consistency.”

Eliot Hill with Associated Retail Stores

Eliot Hill, with Associated Retail Stores, has found great motivation through working with The Apple ProgramTM. He has purchased a new road bike, has run 3 half marathons and has lost over 50 pounds!

"I want to express my appreciation to the Apple ProgramTM and my Apple Health CoachTM for the help and support that they have given me over the past year. With my coach's help I was able to set fitness and nutrition goals. Her advice to me was to eat five to six small meals each day and to get my exercise first thing in the morning. I started off just walking and before I knew it I started to run! My life has changed a great deal over the past year. I now look forward to getting out of bed each morning at 4 a.m. and running outside in our beautiful clean air. I have lost 50 pounds and I am looking forward to running several half marathons this year. I am 45 years young and I am in the best shape of my life. Life is wonderful when we help each other along the way. Health is everything to me because if you don't have your health nothing else matters. Thanks for helping me change my habits and improve my health as you have changed my world!"

Eliot Hill has continued his physical training and is now training for his first marathon. He is incorporating long runs on Sundays and Wednesdays. He does hill training once a week and he has two days of lighter runs. Eliot is also very engaged in his cross training. He is swimming five to six times a week and does resistance training in the water too. He has lost an additional 20 pounds and is down from a size 38 to a size 30. He is working on dropping his marathon time to under 3:30 in order to qualify for the Boston Marathon. Great job Eliot! We’re all routing for you!


Eliot Hill successfully completed the St. George Marathon this year with an amazing time of 3:41! Eliot said that at mile 20 he came to the top of the hill and then he "turned it loose" for the remaining 6.2 miles. With enthusiasm, Eliot said that he is ready to start training for his marathon so that he can shave off 11 minutes of his time and qualify for Boston. We are cheering for you Eliot!

Jim Simmerman with Brent Brown

Jim Simmerman, with Brent Brown, has experienced great success through simply changing what he eats. Making healthier choices and eating smaller portion sizes is just the beginning. Small changes create success but Jim has shown extraordinary committment by cutting red meat and soda pop out of his diet altogether. He also focuses on healthy subsitutions when eating out by choosing a salad or chili over french fries. One of his favorite snacks now are raw almonds. Being aware and conscious of his food choices has really helped him. He's lost over 30 pounds and lowered his cholesterol and blood pressure.

“Knowing that I have to track every week helps me make better choices. The small changes make big differences.”

Marlene Bemis with Equitable Life & Casualty

Marlene Bemis, with Equitable Life & Casualty, has experienced success in a number of areas of her health by making minor adjustments to her diet and exercise. She makes sure she gets at least one whole grain and five fruits and vegetables a day. Exercise had been difficult due to arthritis but her Apple Health CoachTM helped her come up with creative stretches and exercises that enabled her to work around that. As a result, Marlene has lost over 10 pounds and has cut her total cholesterol in half!

It's been a lot of hard work and success hasn't necessarily been easy but it has definitely been worth it.

“Working with my Apple Health CoachTM was a really fun and helpful experience. When I had some tough health situations, she always had new ideas of things that I could try. I enjoyed every single one of our sessions!”

Marlene has taken her health to a whole new level. Marlene’s hard work and dedication to her goals has resulted in more exercise and hence, more weight loss. The increased weight loss has helped Marlene to have less arthritic problems, better breathing and lung capacity, and improved joint functionality. You can now find Marlene at the park playing football with her grandkids. She related a story that teaches all of us a lesson. One day when at the park with her grandkids, two 14 year old Tongan boys recruited everyone at the park – including Marlene to play a football game. Marlene said that she “actually threw the ball”. Not only did she think it was precious that these teenagers included her and her grandkids, but she was thankful that she felt so good and was able to keep up with and play with her grandkids. Marlene said that in the past after having done something like that, her joints would be sore and swollen the days following the activity, but this time she felt great.

Shane Ward with Ken Garff

Shane Ward, with Ken Garff, has experienced great success working with The Apple ProgramTM. In the last six months she has lost almost 4o pounds and has dropped three pant sizes. She had tried to lose weight on her own but says that working with her Apple Health CoachTM is what helped her realize her weight loss goal. She feels great and is really proud of what she has accomplished. She feels young, spunky and fun.

"I have enjoyed working with The Apple ProgramTM. My coach has been great keeping me motivated and has been a great help in answering all my questions. She has given me great ideas that I have tried and have ended up making changes to my eating habits and also put into my little work outs. It is great to know that it is more than a discount on our health insurance. You guys are awesome to work with! I enjoy the brown bag lunches also. Thanks for all you guys do!"

Murry Sproul with Harmons

Murry Sproul is the handy man for all of Harmon's. He said that when he first started participating in The Apple ProgramTM he thought that it was a real pain in the neck. Now that he has been working with the program and is seeing results he says that the whole thing has really helped him out. He has lost over 15 pounds and is still losing. Previous to working with The Apple ProgramTM, Murry never ate his 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables a day but he is religious about it now. As a result, his blood pressure is back to normal. "The thing about it is, I just feel so much better!"

Murry just married off his 6th child and just had his 10th grandchild born. His family is the most important thing to him and he uses that as his motivation to be healthy and active. He started a softball team with his sons and grandsons and is the oldest guy in the league but loves to play. "My incentive is to live long and feel good while I am doing it so that I can have more time with my family. I want to live to be old enough to play softball with my youngest grandson."

Dave Lore with Tooele County

Dave Lore, with Tooele County, says that The Apple ProgramTM is really working for him. He is participating in a Biggest Loser contest with Tooele County and said that he may not win but he is losing weight and getting in better shape. He has lost over 30 pounds and is exercising a lot more. He is jogging instead of walking and is making a point to get out more. Dave hasn't implemented a strict diet but has found that by eating his seven servings of vegetables he doesn't crave unhealthy foods. Dave says that the vegetables along with a large glass of water really fill him up.

"My Apple Health CoachTM is great. She is always positive but she challenges me. I have lost over 30 pounds and have dramatically changed my life. The simple changes my coach helped me make have increased my energy and made me feel healthy. I appreciated her encouragement when things weren't going as fast as I wanted and enjoyed her enthusiasm when I had success. The changes are simple not diets but lifestyle changes. I am happy not just for weight loss but with a return to a more active life. Thank you!"

Since this poster was published Dave has more than doubled his weight loss from 30 to more than 60 pounds. He is excited to share that his physician took him off of his blood pressure, cholesterol and insulin support medications. Dave is now medication free!

Dave continues to emphasize that he did not make any major changes. His trick was to eat at least seven vegetables each day before enjoying any treats. He says that if he wanted a slice of cheesecake he knew what he would have to do – eat seven vegetables first.

Dave recently completed two 20-miles hikes in one weekend and has a 50-mile hike in Yellowstone planned for later this summer. His pants size has decreased from 42 inch to 36 inch.

Dave is enjoying his new life. He’d like to offer encouragement to others by saying “It is possible and it’s not that hard. You don’t have to go on a huge diet.”

Don Werber with St. George Ford

Don Werber, with St. George Ford, has been focused on health and fitness in his life and credits The Apple ProgramTM with giving him the final push to accomplish his goals. He has found the importance of water to be an integral part of his health and is a self pronounced "water-holic". He is focused on cutting back his sodium intake and has found that eating smaller portions through 5-6 small meals has helped too. When he works out at the gym Don has shifted focus to integrate cardio instead of solely working on resistance training. He says that people in the gym really notice a difference.

"Thanks for all your help. Knowledge is the key to success in everything (even if I think I know it all!). You have helped me take more steps toward my overall success....stubborn me!"

John Harris with Associated Foods

John Harris, an employee of Associated Food Stores, has lost over 45 pounds in about six months. He has taken time to write his own meal plan to help him revise his entire diet. He threw out all of his favorite indulgences and started counting calories as well as tracking the fats and proteins that he eats. In addition to diet, he has learned the importance of exercise. He tracks his exercise for the week and gets one free day per week. He bought a Bowflex and a treadmill for his home to help him get in his allotted exercise. John has been focused on his health throughout his life but had lost sight of it in the last three years. He said that The Apple ProgramTM Weigh-In inspired him to start back on the path of health and lose the extra weight. The accountability of the program and working with an Apple Health CoachTM has really kept him in check and he has not missed a single week of tracking his goals online. His coach helped him identify his body fat percentage and track his progress. He has seen a significant drop in his body fat percentage. John feels awesome with these new changes in his health and is happy he has done it the right way. He feels like this time the changes will stick and he is continuing to set goals for himself.